Data sources

Use data sources to separate the user interface from the application data and to remove the dependencies between a Kanzi Studio project and the application code that define the Kanzi application. Kanzi allows you to define the format and structure of your data source by defining a Kanzi Engine data source plugin.

When you use a data source in a Kanzi application you bind the values of properties and property fields to data that comes from a data source. This binding establishes a connection between a node or a resource and the application data. When data in the data source changes, the nodes and resources which are bound to the data reflect the change in the data.

A typical use case is to bind the properties of nodes in your cluster or IVI system to data from a data source provided by a server to which your application connects. For example, your Kanzi application can use data sources to get data such as speed, RPM, and fuel information, address book entries, album and song information, navigation information, and so on.

Learn how to define and use an XML data source by completing a tutorial. While this tutorial uses XML as an example format for a data source, keep in mind that you can use Kanzi to create a data source for any data format. See Tutorial: Get application data from a data source.

See also

Tutorial: Get application data from a data source

Defining a data source

Using a data source